oh so happy! last Monday was a SUPER great day!
one of my happiest days in a while.
i finally delivered this project to it's owner.
she was pleased, and i was elated to be done.
then me and the boys drove to my sister in laws to play play play for a few days.
i talked to my mom and mother in law first thing after making delivery of the organizer.} they both had been praying for me as i muscled through to
just get it done.
thank you... those prayers truly pulled me through. i found strength and perservance i didn't know i had. a lot of trial and error and error with the making of this. lessons learned while mastering the art of seam ripping. for sure!

the finished product is really cool and useful.
hoping for a picture of it hanging in her office soon. i made it in four panels, 56 pockets that hold 8 1/2 x 11 paper, 9 grommets along the top for hanging. it was heavy and bulky to sew. we used outdoor furniture type canvas material. adam helped me measure and sew on pockets. i was so thankful and desperate for help. he jumped right in. thanks babe!

here's evidence of me everyday the week before. the boys grabbed my camera and took a picture of me. they were so patient while i finished this up. i made lots of promises for fun if i could just get it done. sunday night corbin told me at bedtime "mama i hope you get all your sewing done tonight". ahhh love that boy. i stayed up until 3 am working, and got back up at 6am. he came in my room about 6:30am while i was packing and ironing, and asked "mama, did you ever go to bed last night?".

i didn't know i had an almost all nighter in me anymore. crazy what we can do when we just push ourselves.
a smaller custom sewing project now in the works... stay tuned :)