lots of talk about africa going on here. lots of reading about east africa for me.
i've been stepping out asking ladies at church to help me make it to africa in July.
my weekly bible study class is taking up donations. so sweet
but there are others on my team who also need to raise funds to make the trip possible. it's a lot of money.
i'm blessed to know that it's an amount our God can provide.
and until it's time to begin filling out my volunteer application, sharing my testimony and paying that first deposit in less than a month, i choose to sew something to help raise awareness for Africa and money to pay for travel expenses.
i saw this shirt idea online, and decided to make some for us.
let's share our hearts for africa by wearing these shirts. i'm sure when you wear it someone will ask you about it and you can share the story that you are supporting christians who are going to africa this summer to serve at an orphanage, and provide basic medical attention to some very needy.

i have ALL sizes. Adult to infant onesies. know someone who just had a baby? perfect gift with proceeds going to a heavenly cause :)

happy birthday today to my dad! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!
we love you dearly!