what a great week!
sometimes it's
soooo nice to get away from the daily routine.
we drove to oklahoma then missouri then back through north texas and home. away for 6 nights 7 days. we got to visit with lots of family.
this is my cousin and her sweet little girls. we spent two nights at their house. it was fun to see our kids play together.

as with most vacations we ate way too much. drove lots of miles.
ate out way too much. but we had fun.
we made memories.

we went to six flags over texas in arlington. the boys rode judge roy scream. cooper enjoyed the thrill rides, corbin was a bit more reserved like his momma. adam and i did get to ride runaway mountain together sans the kiddos. we waited in line for more than a hour. it was worth it. scary!!
cooper was brave and rode the shock wave. the boys enjoyed the tea cups and boots too.

and each day's weather was picture perfect.

we always love hanging out in dad's backyard while in springfield. so pretty there this time of year. the boys spent time coloring pictures for papa harvey and grandma, we played a little hide and go seek, and they played with lincoln logs and leapsters Gena loaned us for the day.

all the guys also got haircuts while in missouri. cooper's cut was extreme. he has such great hair!
overall spring break was a great break! good times had by all.
pleased as punch to be home sweet home. now back to the weekly routine starting tomorrow. and soccer starts wednesday. life is good!