goodbye shortest month of the year...
hello spring
geez time flies
we've had some crazy weather days lately
hello spring
geez time flies
we've had some crazy weather days lately
warm then cool
windy then cloudy
then a few drops of rain
we need rain
my aunt alice sent this picture last week...
so much SNOW in oklahoma
......meanwhile in the south
spring weather is abundant
we're lucky like that :)
200+ onion bulbs ;)
i hope they play again, year after year
i'll never get tired of watching my boys play sports
i read this recently...
Our boys are built to be manly, but they're just young and untaught. Manly virtues like competitiveness, aggression, a desire for adventure. Messy, scary ideas, courage, endurance, fortitude, noisy.
God made this little boy energetic so one day he can go out and conquer the world.
Or at least, one day he'll have the gumption to support his family, minister his church, be a pillar in his community. Right now, he just needs to learn some self control.
there is no treatment for being a little boy.
We've got to teach them how to submit to authority without destryoing their leadership.
so grateful to be momma to two fierce little warriors!
prayerful for a pure heart as i mother them
with loads of patience, love, training and support
and when one of them writes us a letter like this
i almost want to eat them up
so blessed to be loved by him
i almost want to eat them up
so blessed to be loved by him