Five years old! What a fun time of life! these two are so excitable, smart and curious. constantly learning all they can, pretending and being silly guys. I will never forget the night they were born, and snuggled together in a little bassinet. it's been a thrill to be parents.
these boys have changed EVERYTHING about our lives.

May 9, 2006 6:05pm - 6:09pm
healthy. perfect little miracles. blessings from God
the day we finally brought them home and put them together in their crib. and then looked at each other like "Now what?".

bottles, sippy cups, blankies, diapers, potty training... so thankful for it all.

of course we found our way, figured it out and didn't once break them in the process. the five years have gone way too fast. even though there were some very long days and nights along the way. our hearts are full, so full. it's been worth it all!

love these boys! happy 5th birthday to cooper peyton & corbin pierce!!
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