they did great.
so great!
i cried leaving cooper's classroom.
but fought hard on the way to corbin's to regain my composure.
it was as hard to leave them today, as it was the first time i ever left them.
bittersweet day.
we walked back by cooper's room on our way out, and he had already cut out his name from the center of the paper, and was busy gluing the paper back together... using just a little glue instead of the massive amounts he used to love to squirt out everywhere.
so crazy about our big boys.
and going a little nuts waiting for time to pick them up.
i wonder if i packed enough in their lunch, are they making friends yet, minding their teacher, using their manners, having fun?
i'm sure tomorrow and each day after this will get easier.
maybe by wednesday i can be productive while they are in school instead of just wanting to crawl back in bed to cry, or drive around the school yard hoping to catch them having a good time at recess.
mom and Ray were here for the weekend. i was so happy my mom got to come with us this morning, and snap lots of pictures of us together as a little family. these pictures are priceless! thanks mom
today was a big day...
It's a big day! So proud of boys as well as mom & dad!