last month a dear friend in our Sunday school class made her third trip to Africa. she travels with a group called
fair haven ministries. this year her 12 year old son made the trip with them. the team sets up medical clinics, delivers hundreds of pounds of food, clothes, shoes, eye glasses and vitamins to sick and orphaned children in Uganda. a highlight of their trip is visiting Ms. Agnes' Children's Care in Jinja. Ms. Agnes cares for 50 orphaned children, many strickened with HIV or AIDS.
in preparation for their trip, we as a sunday school class collected items to send to Ms Agnes' kids, and Jen and I sewed a teddy bear for each child.

our children helped stuff the bears, and pack the items at a packing party a few weeks before they left. each child also got a blanket, new bed sheets and a bed pillow. jen and robert had to show them what a pillow was for.

it was an honor to be serving God by making little bears for these sweet children. i cry when i think about something i cut out and sewed being in the arms of children half way across the world who have so very very little. my children are so blessed.

these children need everything we have and take for granted in america. most of them have no parents, little food, no air conditioning or clean water. no corner stores, cell phones, clean clothes, paved roads, cameras. and to boot they are sick and need medical care. what an inspiration Jen and Robert are for traveling half way across the world to share the message of Jesus and expand God's kingdom! they are passionate for these children. they are living witnesses to what it means to be His disciples. i'm so inspired to do more. spend more time teaching my boys the importance of doing for and praying for those less fortunate. i'm praying for a way to go with Jen next time. needless to say, it seems
way beyond my comfort zone.
though we are weak, HE is strong. but the passion is in my heart now. if i'm meant to go God will make a way. He will take care of all the details. He knows the desires of our hearts. He can calm the storm in my mind about making such a trip. until then i pray for these sweet children to know God and know they are loved just because.
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