Friday, September 30, 2011


my big project from the crafty weekend in the country. i used the pleated poppy tutorial. added rules important to us. love it!
everybody wanting daddies attention. help with costume please, build new legos with me please, pet and wrestle with me please.
this boy was so into trying on his halloween costume. getting each article just right according to the picture on the package.
super sweet samuari.

a sad day... i had to throw out the last of our crate and barrel polka dot glasses we got as a wedding gift 7 years ago. loved them! got lots of good use out of them.
Sunday afternoon spent putting together legos.

happy weekending!

linking up with Life Rearranged. Thanks Jeannett.
life rearranged


  1. your rules turned out beautifully - love it!

  2. That is a great idea and I love it with your "rules of life!!"

    enjoyed looking at your blog!!

  3. great insta-pix!

    sad that you had to say good bye to polka-dot glasses.

    i keep saying i am going to make a family rules for us. i think i just need to beg the s.i.l. (lindsey) to make one for me... or steal hers.
    yours looks GREAT!


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